Rabu , 14 Apr 2021, 18:42 WIB
Diversifikasi Wika ke Metal dan Mining Hadapi Tantangan

Rabu , 14 Apr 2021, 17:02 WIB
Mimpi Wika Jadi Pemimpin BUMN Industri, Metal, dan Mining

Senin , 10 Oct 2016, 00:59 WIB
North Kalimantan reports surplus in international trade

Selasa , 31 May 2016, 12:44 WIB
Indonesia, Senegal explore cooperation in mining and industry

Jumat , 25 Mar 2016, 00:34 WIB
President orders ministers to control mining accidents

Jumat , 26 Feb 2016, 22:02 WIB
Vale reports record high in annual production

Kamis , 21 Jan 2016, 16:43 WIB
PT Freeport divestment, Minister: No comment on the price

Rabu , 16 Dec 2015, 21:51 WIB
AGO questions DPR Secretary General

Kamis , 10 Dec 2015, 15:21 WIB
Freeport brings Indonesia back to colonial era

Senin , 07 Dec 2015, 21:34 WIB
Freeport asked for 5 billion US dollars environmental damage compensation

Selasa , 01 Dec 2015, 15:41 WIB
Govt urged not to renew mining contract for Freeport

Rabu , 07 Oct 2015, 21:35 WIB
East Java Provincial Government to evaluate mining license in Lumajang

Jokowi urged to be firm on requirement to build smelters
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Association of Young Businessmen (Hipmi) asks the new government to be firm in the implementation of the regulation requiring mining companies to process their mineral ores in the country.A law effective as from January 2014 bans exports of unprocessed minerals forcing producers to build smelters to process their minerals.The policy is to open more...

Sabtu , 29 Nov 2014, 23:57 WIB
Export reference price of mining products to decline

Rabu , 26 Nov 2014, 00:15 WIB
Adaro Energy signs cooperation with China Shenhua Overseas Development

Kamis , 30 Oct 2014, 20:06 WIB
Batan: Australia and France eye Mamuju uranium deposit

Rabu , 22 Oct 2014, 10:40 WIB
Manturov: Russia to invest 500 mln USD in Indonesia alumina plant

Selasa , 14 Oct 2014, 22:31 WIB
Mining permit must be tightened ahead AEC implementation

Selasa , 07 Oct 2014, 18:51 WIB
Indonesia to develop downstream coal industry

Selasa , 07 Oct 2014, 11:25 WIB
West Sulawesi holds potential mineral reserves

Jumat , 03 Oct 2014, 21:38 WIB
Freeport: Blockade lifted at Indonesia copper mine

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 22:35 WIB
Nickel smelter in C. Sulawesi to operate by 2015

Kamis , 04 Sep 2014, 17:34 WIB
Govt and Newmont sign contract on renegotiation agreement

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 08:58 WIB
Chinese investor to build smelters in Sulawesi

Rabu , 27 Aug 2014, 17:09 WIB
Newmont withdraws international arbitration lawsuit to Indonesia

CEO: Newmont to use dual approach to restart Indonesia mine exports
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, VANCOUPER - Newmont Mining Corp would stick to a "parallel path" of arbitration and negotiation with the government of Indonesia in an attempt to resolve an impasse over copper concentrate exports, the company's chief executive said on Wednesday. The US-based miner, which operates the Batu Hijau mine in Indonesia, said its revised production outlook assumes receiving an export permit...

Sabtu , 21 Jun 2014, 22:37 WIB
Indonesia sets mining export tax cut in draft regulation

Kamis , 19 Jun 2014, 16:42 WIB
Indonesian miners delay alumina refinery plans on legal uncertainty

Rabu , 18 Jun 2014, 15:21 WIB
Indonesia, Freeport make progress in copper export talks

Senin , 16 Jun 2014, 20:47 WIB
Govt: Indonesia to amend tin export rules

Jumat , 13 Jun 2014, 20:07 WIB
Indonesia minister to meet copper execs, hopes for quick deal

Kamis , 12 Jun 2014, 00:09 WIB
Minister: Govt not to extend Freeport contract before 2019

Senin , 09 Jun 2014, 21:53 WIB
Indonesian Police Chief: Stop mining permit

Jumat , 06 Jun 2014, 22:10 WIB
Indonesia considers new restrictions on coal output, exports

Sabtu , 31 May 2014, 16:58 WIB