Selasa , 13 Sep 2016, 11:44 WIB
U.S. bombers fly over South Korea in show of force after nuclear test

Ahad , 11 Sep 2016, 12:15 WIB
U.S. envoy says N Korea could face unilateral sanctions

Jumat , 09 Sep 2016, 20:16 WIB
'North Korea's largest nuclear test has serious consequences'

Kamis , 28 Jul 2016, 16:03 WIB
Malta denies visas for N. Korea workers

Jumat , 22 Jul 2016, 21:24 WIB
N Korean Air Koryo plane makes emergency landing in China
Rabu , 20 Jul 2016, 21:31 WIB
N Korea says missile test simulated attack on South' airfield

Senin , 13 Jun 2016, 16:38 WIB
N Korea mounts long-running hack of S Korea computers, says Seoul

Kamis , 09 Jun 2016, 19:57 WIB
N Korea to convene assembly late June after rare party congress

Selasa , 31 May 2016, 10:41 WIB
Japan puts military on alert for possible N Korea missile launch
Senin , 30 May 2016, 23:48 WIB
South Korea detects sign of possible planned N. Korea missile launch

Senin , 02 May 2016, 22:22 WIB
Korean-Chinese supporter of North Korean defectors found dead

Rabu , 27 Apr 2016, 22:13 WIB
US warns of 'other' options in N. Korea conitinues nuclear tests

Obama dismisses N. Korea's offer to halt nuclear test
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- US President Barack Obama on Sunday rejected North Korea's offer to halt nuclear tests if the United States suspends joint military exercises with South Korea, saying he doesn't take the proposal seriously and will continue to take steps to defend the Asian ally.Pyongyang's Foreign Minister Ri Su-yong made the proposal in a media interview on Saturday,...

Senin , 22 Feb 2016, 17:25 WIB
US rejected N.Korea peace treaty bid

Ahad , 21 Feb 2016, 06:09 WIB
N Korea fires artillery rounds near border with South

Rabu , 03 Feb 2016, 16:23 WIB
China expresses 'serious concerns' over planned N. Korea rocket launch

Rabu , 03 Feb 2016, 09:16 WIB
S. Korea urges North to drop rocket launch plan

Rabu , 20 Jan 2016, 12:35 WIB
Japan says North Korea can miniaturize nuclear weapons

Senin , 18 Jan 2016, 21:50 WIB
N. Korea fights back on propaganda leaflets

Selasa , 12 Jan 2016, 16:36 WIB
S. Korea, US discuss further strategic deployment after North test

Rabu , 06 Jan 2016, 16:25 WIB
China border residents evacuated after N. Korea test

Rabu , 06 Jan 2016, 15:27 WIB
North Korea claims successful in hydrogen bomb test

Kamis , 17 Dec 2015, 18:47 WIB
N. Korea warns of 'unimaginable consequences' over sanctions

Rabu , 18 Nov 2015, 23:48 WIB
UN denies Ban will visit North Korea next week

Senin , 16 Nov 2015, 17:17 WIB
S. Korea on alert for sign of N. Korea missile test

S Koreans cross into North for emotional family reunion
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOKCHO -- Several hundred mostly elderly South Koreans headed for North Korea on Tuesday for a rare, emotional meeting with relatives they have either never met or last saw more than six decades ago.A fleet of buses led by four black sedans flying Red Cross flags carried the family members from a resort in the port city of...

Jumat , 21 Aug 2015, 08:53 WIB
Kim orders army to enter state of war

Selasa , 21 Jul 2015, 18:00 WIB
S. Korea regrets North's rejection of talks offers

Selasa , 21 Jul 2015, 17:28 WIB
N. Korea says no interest in Iran-style nuclear deal

Ahad , 12 Jul 2015, 19:45 WIB
S. Korea fires warning shots at North soldiers

Jumat , 10 Jul 2015, 05:16 WIB
N. Korea rejects reports of high-level defections

Rabu , 17 Jun 2015, 22:00 WIB
N, Korea releases two S Koreans detained for illegal entry

Sabtu , 30 May 2015, 20:05 WIB
Indonesian economic delegation visits North Korea

Senin , 18 May 2015, 15:37 WIB
US and China discuss further sanction on North Korea

Rabu , 13 May 2015, 10:17 WIB