Selasa , 12 Mar 2013, 23:08 WIB
Bank Konvensional Dapat Tawarkan Produk Syariah
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank konvensional dinilai dapat menawarkan produk syariah. Namun penjualan produk syariah di bank konvensional harus melalui sistem office channeling.Ketua Umum Asosiasi Bank Syariah Indonesia (Asbisindo), Yuslam...
Selasa , 14 Feb 2012, 19:35 WIB
The OC boosts Islamic banking’s performance
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The transactions of Islamic banking products through main commercial banking –known as office channeling (OC)- is believed can boost the performance of Islamic banking. However, the regulation has not supported the office channeling (OC) as its implementation still depends on each bank’s policy. According to Micro Banking Group Head BRI Syariah, Sigit Suryawan, if commercial bank implements the...