Jumat , 20 Jun 2014, 18:09 WIB
Chatib Basri says current oil price hike to be temporary

Senin , 16 Jun 2014, 23:59 WIB
Fitch affirms Pertamina at BBB-

Ahad , 25 May 2014, 18:25 WIB
Indonesia's non-oil/gas industry grows 5.56 percent in Q1

Selasa , 13 May 2014, 21:50 WIB
Indonesia cuts 2014 crude lifting target to 818,000 bpd

Selasa , 11 Mar 2014, 17:55 WIB
Libya intercepts tanker loaded with rebel oil

Sabtu , 08 Mar 2014, 21:38 WIB
Planning to build oil refinery is still hampered

Selasa , 04 Mar 2014, 16:59 WIB
Cepu oil output predicted to reach 165,000 barrels per day

Ahad , 02 Mar 2014, 19:31 WIB
BI governor hopes govt to reduce oil subsidy

Sabtu , 22 Feb 2014, 23:01 WIB
Mahakam Oil Block contract must be terminated: Gita

Sabtu , 22 Feb 2014, 22:57 WIB
Convention candidates want to end Total Oil contract

Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 00:02 WIB
Azerbaijan offers Iraq access to Europe gas pipelines

Senin , 10 Feb 2014, 21:44 WIB
Bali to host international conference on oil palm

US, Myanmar teams up in oil and gas sector
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YANGON -- American company General Electric ( GE) Oil and Gas, will cooperate with Myanmar private company SMART Technology Service in the service sector of oil and gas on mutually beneficial basis, local press reported Wednesday.According to their cooperation agreement, the SMART company will supply equipment and services to drilling and surface solution of the GE, local Union...

Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 22:40 WIB
No more Indonesian mineral ore exports from 2014

Rabu , 04 Dec 2013, 19:15 WIB
IPA set to increase oil and gas production

Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 00:02 WIB
Acquisition of the second world biggest oil reserves is a strategic milestone for Indonesia

Ahad , 01 Dec 2013, 16:55 WIB
Pertamina, ExxonMobil team up in Iraq oil exploration

Ahad , 01 Dec 2013, 01:14 WIB
Surat Kabar Kuwait: Presiden Obama Tunggu untuk Kunjungi Iran

Sabtu , 30 Nov 2013, 14:25 WIB
Pertamina Tuntaskan Akuisisi Blok Exxonmobil di Irak

Jumat , 29 Nov 2013, 19:49 WIB
Siswoutomo: No plan to limit the use of subsidized fuels

Rabu , 27 Nov 2013, 18:59 WIB
Separatis Yaman Selatan Mundur dari Dialog Nasional

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 10:19 WIB
India Dukung Kesepakatan Iran-P5+1, Tapi..

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 09:03 WIB
Saudi Arabia welcomes agreement on Iran nuclear power

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 08:57 WIB
Jordan: Iran's deal with world powers step in right direction

Selasa , 26 Nov 2013, 08:38 WIB
Kuwait Dukung Perjanjian Nuklir Iran P5+1

Qatar Sambut Baik Perjanjian Nuklir Iran P5+1
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DOHA -- Negara Teluk Qatar yang sama-sama mempunyai cadangan gas terbesar di Timur Tengah dengan Iran menyambut baik kesepakatan yang dicapai Iran dengan kekuatan dunia P5+1. Seorang pejabat di Kementerian Luar Negeri Qatar menggambarkan kesepakatan yang diraih di Jenewa itu sebagai "langkah penting" menuju perdamaian dan keamanan di kawasan. Pejabat yang tidak disebutkan namanya itu mengungkapkannya melalui Qatar News Agency....

Rabu , 13 Nov 2013, 06:12 WIB
Reuters dan Harta Kekayaan Ali Khamenei, Teori Konspirasi?

Rabu , 13 Nov 2013, 04:53 WIB
Gagal Perundingan Nuklir, Iran-AS Bakal Perang?

Ahad , 10 Nov 2013, 01:25 WIB
Kekuatan Dunia Berbeda Pendapat Soal Nuklir Iran

Jumat , 08 Nov 2013, 01:28 WIB
Barat Setuju Longgarkan Sanksi Iran

Rabu , 06 Nov 2013, 17:06 WIB
Indonesian crude oil price slumps

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 21:35 WIB
Menlu Iran di Paris Bahas Masalah Suriah, Nuklir

Selasa , 05 Nov 2013, 21:30 WIB
Iran-China-Rusia Sensitif Terhadap Stabilitas Timur Tengah

Sabtu , 26 Oct 2013, 22:27 WIB
Perusahaan Militer Mesir Bantu Pengadaan Kereta Api

Sabtu , 26 Oct 2013, 22:14 WIB