Wakil Ketua MPR Ahmad Muzani

Penanganan yang Salah Dapat Timbulkan Problem Baru di Papua

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Wakil Ketua MPR Ahmad Muzani menilai perlu adanya pendekatan efektif dalam menangani masalah teror kelompok kriminal bersenjata di Papua. Ia mengingatkan, penanganan yang salah dapat menambah masalah baru di Papua."Saya berharap mudah-mudahan (langkah pemerintah) efektif," ujar Muzani di Komplek Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (5/12).Menurut Muzani, Pemerintah sebenarnya sudah membuat peta keamanan di Papua dengan menempatkan pasukan...

TNI personnel and local citizen prepare coffins for victims of killing by armed criminal group in Wamena, Papua, Tuesday (Dec 4).

Mily, Police joint team to evacuate rebel attack victims

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The military and police joint team is readied to evacuate victims of the armed Papuan rebel attack from the site in Yigi and the top of Mt Tabo in Nduga District, Papua Province, Cendrawasih Military Commander Maj Gen Joshua Sembiring said. The evacuation will be started on Wednesday by deploying troops through land and air routes."For...