Sabtu , 24 May 2014, 18:13 WIB
SBY hopes next president can outperform his achievement

Jumat , 23 May 2014, 23:02 WIB
Yudhoyono receives the Global Statesman Award

Kamis , 22 May 2014, 10:00 WIB
Yudhoyono reminds global economic risk in WEFEA

Kamis , 22 May 2014, 09:32 WIB
Prabowo: Golkar 'King Maker'

Senin , 19 May 2014, 20:12 WIB
Besok, Prabowo-Hatta ke KPU Dengan Berjalan Kaki

Sabtu , 10 May 2014, 17:25 WIB
President expects ASEAN community to strengthen political cooperation

Senin , 05 May 2014, 16:40 WIB
AEC, first challenge for the new Indonesia's elected president

Kamis , 24 Apr 2014, 23:56 WIB
President Yudhoyono denies rumors that he is inactive

Selasa , 22 Apr 2014, 15:15 WIB
President to receive foreign envoys

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 22:37 WIB
President: All must have same vision

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 19:56 WIB
Golkar Party not to evaluate Aburizal's Presidential candidacy

Sabtu , 12 Apr 2014, 20:31 WIB
Nasdem Supports Jokowi as President

SBY Dinilai Mampu Kendalikan Suara TNI
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Sejumlah partai politik memang mendapat sokongan dari purnawirawan TNI dalam menghadapi pemilu 2014 ini. Namun, dukungan yang mereka peroleh dinilai tak mampu imbangi rezim Partai Demokrat, di mana ketua umumnya yang menjabat sebagai Presiden juga seorang mantan Jendral TNI yang mampu mengendalikan suara para instansi tersebut.“Saya khawatir justru rezim SBY yang akan mengendalikan suara TNI,” kata...

Rabu , 05 Mar 2014, 16:51 WIB
President calls for improvement of rescuers' capability

Rabu , 05 Mar 2014, 15:04 WIB
Saudara Kandung Karzai Akan Mundur dari Pemilihan Presiden Afghanistan

Senin , 03 Mar 2014, 19:31 WIB
TNI sets up group to secure former presidents, vice presidents

Jumat , 21 Feb 2014, 22:37 WIB
Somali President unharmed in attack on palace

Ahad , 16 Feb 2014, 14:01 WIB
President Yudhoyono visits victims of Mt Kelud Eruption

Jumat , 14 Feb 2014, 23:18 WIB
President Yudhoyono attends Cap Go Meh Celebration

Kamis , 13 Feb 2014, 14:16 WIB
Obama to visit S. Korea in April

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 08:52 WIB
Putin Bertemu Pemimpin Asing di Sochi

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 08:45 WIB
Colombia rebels accuse ex-president in spying scandal
Ahad , 02 Feb 2014, 13:11 WIB
Campaigning starts for Afghan Presidential election

Jumat , 24 Jan 2014, 00:51 WIB
Court rules in favor of simultaneous election request

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 17:24 WIB
MK approves simultaneous elections in 2019

President: Stay on alert!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KARAWANG -- President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on the regional governments to remain alert for potential natural disasters as the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecast bad weather to continue until March."The BMKG has forecast that the bad weather will continue till March, hence, the heads of regional governments should stay on alert," the President...

Kamis , 16 Jan 2014, 07:01 WIB
President Yudhoyono attends Prophet's birthday celebrations

Kamis , 16 Jan 2014, 00:01 WIB
Dorong Demokrasi Beretika, SBY Ungkit Pluralisme Ala Madinah

Rabu , 15 Jan 2014, 00:42 WIB
President asks Muslims to follow characters of the Prophet Muhammad

Sabtu , 04 Jan 2014, 23:59 WIB
President sends his best wishes on Republika's anniversary

Sabtu , 28 Dec 2013, 16:15 WIB
President: No room for radicalism and extremism in this country

Kamis , 26 Dec 2013, 16:09 WIB
President tweets: Stay alert to disasters

Rabu , 25 Dec 2013, 10:14 WIB
Presiden Sampaikan Ucapan Selamat Natal

Senin , 23 Dec 2013, 16:31 WIB
President calls for MP3EI projects implementation on time

Jumat , 20 Dec 2013, 19:15 WIB