Jumat , 15 Aug 2014, 15:42 WIB
President expects new government to continue the legal reforms

Jumat , 15 Aug 2014, 15:17 WIB
President: Maintain Indonesia's integrity and reject ISIS

Jumat , 15 Aug 2014, 13:33 WIB
Govt focused on middle class growth

Jumat , 15 Aug 2014, 13:00 WIB
President: Govt succesfully reduces poverty by 4.5 mln

Ahad , 10 Aug 2014, 13:02 WIB
Yudhoyono to meet the elected president after the Court's decision

Kamis , 07 Aug 2014, 07:13 WIB
Obama: Egypt should release Aljazeera journalist

Selasa , 05 Aug 2014, 23:45 WIB
President Yudhoyono to attend Children's Day celebration

Selasa , 05 Aug 2014, 14:30 WIB
President launches presidential scholarship

Selasa , 05 Aug 2014, 13:18 WIB
President Yudhoyono receives PM of Solomon Islands

Jumat , 01 Aug 2014, 07:04 WIB
Australia: Yudhoyono and Megawati not the subject of securency proceedings.

Kamis , 24 Jul 2014, 19:28 WIB
President inspects Pasar Senen Railway Station

Rabu , 23 Jul 2014, 10:09 WIB
Ini Komentar Menlu AS Atas terpilihnya Jokowi

Yudhoyono to convene Prabowo and Jokowi today
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will convene two pairs of presidential candidates today, ahead of the official announcement of electoral results on July 22. The meeting will be held at 5 pm at the State Palace. "The president has invited the both presidential pairs," presidential spokesperson, Julian Aldrin Pasha, said on Sunday. "He will share the...

Kamis , 26 Jun 2014, 23:27 WIB
President: Indonesia against aggressive defense policy

Kamis , 26 Jun 2014, 08:32 WIB
Israeli President warns Iraq might split apart

Kamis , 19 Jun 2014, 15:00 WIB
SBY: Green economy promotes progress

Kamis , 19 Jun 2014, 10:09 WIB
SBY Ingin Kembangkan Konektivitas Kawasan Pasifik Selatan

Kamis , 19 Jun 2014, 10:04 WIB
Indonesia to strengthen ties with Pacific Island nations

Rabu , 18 Jun 2014, 19:12 WIB
Indonesia, Fiji to intensify cooperation

Jumat , 13 Jun 2014, 05:10 WIB
Vice President warns of larger risk of forest fires

Kamis , 12 Jun 2014, 18:43 WIB
Observer: Competition among two presidential candidate pairs stiff

Rabu , 11 Jun 2014, 19:33 WIB
Alasan DPD Dukung Prabowo-Hatta

Selasa , 10 Jun 2014, 17:06 WIB
President: War against corruption not successful yet

Senin , 09 Jun 2014, 10:08 WIB
Indonesia`s presidential election showcases country`s divide

Senin , 02 Jun 2014, 13:43 WIB
Prabowo: Kami Akan Hormati Keputusan Rakyat Indonesia

Drajad Wibowo: Kita Ingin Mengurangi Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mengacu pada visi-misi yang dibuat oleh koalisi merah putih, Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), Drajad Wibowo mengatakan pasangan calon presiden (capres) dan calon wakil presiden (cawapres) Prabowo-Hatta akan membawa Indonesia lebih bermartabat kedepannya. Drajad menambahkan hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah membuat utang Indonesia menjadi nol mulai tahun depan. Untuk visi-misi Prabowo-Hatta kali ini, Drajad mengaku...

Jumat , 23 May 2014, 23:02 WIB
Yudhoyono receives the Global Statesman Award

Kamis , 22 May 2014, 10:00 WIB
Yudhoyono reminds global economic risk in WEFEA

Kamis , 22 May 2014, 09:32 WIB
Prabowo: Golkar 'King Maker'

Senin , 19 May 2014, 20:12 WIB
Besok, Prabowo-Hatta ke KPU Dengan Berjalan Kaki

Sabtu , 10 May 2014, 17:25 WIB
President expects ASEAN community to strengthen political cooperation

Senin , 05 May 2014, 16:40 WIB
AEC, first challenge for the new Indonesia's elected president

Kamis , 24 Apr 2014, 23:56 WIB
President Yudhoyono denies rumors that he is inactive

Selasa , 22 Apr 2014, 15:15 WIB
President to receive foreign envoys

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 22:37 WIB