President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (File photo)

Yudhoyono to convene Prabowo and Jokowi today

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will convene two pairs of presidential candidates today, ahead of the official announcement of electoral results on July 22. The meeting will be held at 5 pm at the State Palace.  "The president has invited the both presidential pairs," presidential spokesperson, Julian Aldrin Pasha, said on Sunday. "He will share the...


Drajad Wibowo: Kita Ingin Mengurangi Penarikan Utang Luar Negeri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Mengacu pada visi-misi yang dibuat oleh koalisi merah putih, Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), Drajad Wibowo mengatakan pasangan calon presiden (capres) dan calon wakil presiden (cawapres) Prabowo-Hatta akan membawa Indonesia lebih bermartabat kedepannya. Drajad menambahkan hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah membuat utang Indonesia menjadi nol mulai tahun depan. Untuk visi-misi Prabowo-Hatta kali ini, Drajad mengaku...

Visiting Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono gestures as he delivers a speech during his visit at the presidential palace in Manila May 23, 2014.

Jumat , 23 May 2014, 23:02 WIB

Yudhoyono receives the Global Statesman Award

Presiden SBY

Kamis , 22 May 2014, 10:00 WIB

Yudhoyono reminds global economic risk in WEFEA


Kamis , 22 May 2014, 09:32 WIB

Prabowo: Golkar 'King Maker'

Deklarasi Prabowo-Hatta di Rumah Polonia

Senin , 19 May 2014, 20:12 WIB

Besok, Prabowo-Hatta ke KPU Dengan Berjalan Kaki

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono shares his plan about his future after his office term ends in 2014. (file photo)

Selasa , 22 Apr 2014, 15:15 WIB

President to receive foreign envoys

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Ahad , 13 Apr 2014, 22:37 WIB

President: All must have same vision