Kamis , 05 Oct 2023, 16:41 WIB
Komitmen Beri Perawatan Berkualitas, Siloam Perbarui Perjanjian Kerja Sama dengan Philips
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk dan Royal Philips, pemimpin global dalam teknologi kesehatan, mengumumkan pembaruan perjanjian kerja sama strategis multitahunan di Jakarta untuk jangka waktu lima tahun...
Sabtu , 31 Oct 2015, 18:53 WIB
SWA Magazine announches 'Indonesia's Top 100 Most Valuable Brand' awards
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PT Siloam International Hospitals again received national recognition, which is included in the top 100 companies that have high quality. As appreciation, the Siloam was awarded "Indonesia's Top 100 Most Valuable Brand" by SWA Magazine.According to Chief Editor of SWA Magazine, Kemal Effendi Gani, this year is a moment of proof for the hospital to become...