Selasa , 11 Nov 2014, 15:00 WIB
RI, US Presidents meet in Beijing to discuss radicalism
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIJING -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, had a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart Barack Obama here on Monday night (10/11) to discuss security...
Sabtu , 30 Aug 2014, 19:44 WIB
Minister says no radicalism in Pesantren
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG -- The minister of religious affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin said Islamic boarding schools, locally known as pesantren or pondok pesantren, do not teach radical ideologies such as that of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)."It is not possible for radicalism to be taught in pesantren. If any educational institution has been teaching radicalism in the...
Sabtu , 13 Oct 2012, 21:06 WIB
Minister: Islamic boarding school not for radicalism
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI - Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare Agung...