Ahad , 14 Jan 2024, 17:44 WIB
America-Britain attack Houthis in Yemen, what will be the economic impact for Indonesia?
America and British troops attack Houthis in Yemen causing the uncertainty in global trade and economy.JAKARTA -- The situation in the Red Sea continues to heat up following the...
Selasa , 12 Apr 2016, 17:03 WIB
Egyptians outrages at plan to transfer Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- Egypt's announcement during a five-day visit by King Salman that it would transfer two Red Sea islands to its Saudi ally has outraged Egyptians, who took to social media to criticise the move, which now faces a legal challenge.The Egyptian government said in a statement on Saturday that the two countries had signed maritime demarcation accords...
Selasa , 12 Apr 2016, 16:27 WIB
Egyptians outraged at plan to transfer Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- Egypt's announcement during a five-day visit...