Senin , 15 Jul 2013, 00:30 WIB
Rabu , 21 Oct 2015, 22:35 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ROME -- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will visit Italy next month, his first trip to a European Union capital, and also meet Pope Francis, a diplomatic source said...
Kamis , 07 May 2015, 20:46 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ROME -- Rome's main airport was closed on Thursday after a fire broke out in a baggage storage area but there were no serious injuries, officials said.The airport would remain closed until 2 p.m. (1200 GMT), they said.The fire broke out shortly after midnight (2200 GMT) in an underground baggage area of Fiumicino airport's Terminal 3, which is...
Senin , 29 Dec 2014, 09:22 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ATHENS/ROME -- Italian and Greek helicopter crews worked into...
Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 20:00 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ROME - Police recovered the piece of cloth...
Sabtu , 25 Jan 2014, 22:00 WIB
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ROME - The creativity of Italians in parking...
Senin , 15 Jul 2013, 00:30 WIB