Senin , 16 Sep 2019, 10:55 WIB
Garuda cancels 12 flights due to smog in Kalimantan

Selasa , 27 Aug 2019, 14:09 WIB
West Kalimantan police arrest 52 suspects in wildfire cases

Kamis , 22 Aug 2019, 08:23 WIB
Minister admits poor law enforcement in handling wildfire

Rabu , 14 Aug 2019, 08:35 WIB
Tesso Nilo elephants show signs of stress due to forest fire

Selasa , 13 Aug 2019, 02:00 WIB
Pontianak plans to change school hours due to haze

Jumat , 09 Aug 2019, 02:01 WIB
Satellite detects 2,070 hotspots across Indonesia

Senin , 05 Aug 2019, 10:10 WIB
700 Pekanbaru people suffer respiratory illness due to haze

Selasa , 30 Jul 2019, 14:57 WIB
Smog lowers visibility in Pekanbaru
Selasa , 19 Jan 2016, 10:03 WIB
On Forest fires, President says no more
Senin , 18 Jan 2016, 23:53 WIB
Indonesia discusses efforts to prevent forest fires
Ahad , 27 Dec 2015, 09:24 WIB
BMKD detects 10 hotspots in Riau

Rabu , 02 Dec 2015, 18:00 WIB
Peatland restoration should be based on several considerations

Foreign companies involved for causing forest fires, VP says
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANILA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla reiterated Indonesia's efforts in addressing the smog disaster in Sumatra and Kalimantan that were affected by a number of neighboring countries. Kalla later confirmed the need for support and cooperation from various countries, including Malaysia, to deal with this problem."Ten months of the year, you (neighboring countries) enjoys good air from Indonesia....

Sabtu , 14 Nov 2015, 08:02 WIB
America provides 2.9 million US dollar for Indonesia's forest restoration
Rabu , 04 Nov 2015, 17:14 WIB
Norway ready to help solve forest and land fires in Indonesia

Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 17:47 WIB
Smog disaster is intentional
Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 16:02 WIB
Satellites detect 200 hotspots across Sumatra Island

Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 12:34 WIB
Govt accused of negligence allowing land clearing with fires

Selasa , 03 Nov 2015, 01:23 WIB
Only want to serve people
Senin , 02 Nov 2015, 19:54 WIB
President of PT Dyera named suspect in forest fire

Senin , 02 Nov 2015, 14:14 WIB
Victims of smog in Riau reach 97,139 people

Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 22:35 WIB
Jusuf Kalla holds Istisqo prayer to ask for rain

Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 21:00 WIB
VP: Peatland restoration prevents forest fires

Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 19:34 WIB
Police: Suspects of forest fires reach 258 people
Ahad , 01 Nov 2015, 16:31 WIB
69 hotspots detected in South Sumatera

Sabtu , 31 Oct 2015, 19:26 WIB
Minister hands over compensation to haze victims

Health Minister: Learn preventive measures to counter haze impacts
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAMBI -- Health Minister Nila Djuwita Anfasa Moeloek has called on the public to learn preventive measures against the impacts of haze emanating from forest fires, so they could stay healthy."The public must know about preventive measures," Minister Moeloek, an ophthalmologic surgeon, stated here on Tuesday.She called on the inhabitants of the regions hit by forest fires to...

Kamis , 29 Oct 2015, 15:24 WIB
Govt to use REDD+ funds to restore peat lands

Kamis , 29 Oct 2015, 15:22 WIB
Airport operator, airways hit hard by forest fire haze

Kamis , 29 Oct 2015, 10:36 WIB
Minister says not to interfere in haze committee discourse

Kamis , 29 Oct 2015, 10:12 WIB
BNPB spends Rp 600 billion to handle Forest Fire

Rabu , 28 Oct 2015, 16:10 WIB
Some three thousand flights affected by haze over last month
Rabu , 28 Oct 2015, 16:04 WIB
Jokowi raises issue of forest fires at Brookings

Rabu , 28 Oct 2015, 09:19 WIB
AP II loss due to smog reaches Rp 30 billion

Selasa , 27 Oct 2015, 12:35 WIB
47 hotspots detected in N Sulawesi

Selasa , 27 Oct 2015, 12:27 WIB