Kamis , 09 Mar 2023, 18:18 WIB
Jenis Soup dan Manfaatnya
Soup adalah makanan cair yang biasanya terdiri dari air atau kaldu yang dicampur dengan bahan-bahan lain seperti sayuran, daging, ikan, atau kacang-kacangan. Soup dapat dihidangkan sebagai hidangan pembuka, hidangan...
Sabtu , 06 Oct 2012, 23:05 WIB
When a president misses his hometown soup
Apart from politic, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is like others, he misses his hometown soup. He mentioned his longing for soto (soup –Ed) and tofu rice cakes that are specialties from his hometown Pacitan, East Java. "I like soto and kupat tahu (tofu rice cake)," the President said, regarding the two special dishes of Pacitan district during a post-fasting...