Kamis , 19 Jul 2018, 02:30 WIB
Indonesia, Malaysia collaborate for rhino conservation
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia and Malaysia are collaborating to conserve the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), a joint effort to prevent the species from extinction. The environmental cooperation will be...
Sabtu , 05 Oct 2013, 03:04 WIB
Park's Administrator Refuses Transfer of Sumatran Rhinoceros to US
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,EAST LAMPUNG -- The administrator of Way Kambas National Park (TNWK) has refused the transfer of several Sumatran rhinoceros from the Rhino Preservation Area (SRS) to Cincinnati Zoo, the United States. "We are not supporting the transfer of several rhinoceros to a foreign country," said Chief of Public Relations at TNWK Sukatmoko on Tuesday.According to TNWK officials, the transfer...