Kamis , 27 Nov 2014, 22:59 WIB
At least 30 designers participate in 2014 Batam International Fashion Week

Selasa , 04 Nov 2014, 23:58 WIB
Indonesia's exports of non oil and gas commodities increase

Jumat , 08 Aug 2014, 22:05 WIB
Surabaya to host Asian Fashion Week

Rabu , 16 Jul 2014, 17:59 WIB
28 local designers participate in Indonesia Moslem Fashion Week 2014

Rabu , 14 May 2014, 14:26 WIB
Surabaya to host Asian Fashion Week

Rabu , 23 Apr 2014, 17:03 WIB
President opens Inacraft 2014

Kamis , 19 Sep 2013, 12:00 WIB
Batik with Indramayu patterns attract Japanese consumers

Sabtu , 27 Jul 2013, 00:30 WIB
Indonesia's Muslim fashion to go global

Ahad , 26 May 2013, 00:41 WIB
The beauty of Pelembang songket

Kamis , 09 May 2013, 20:51 WIB
Indonesia and Australia share a common love in batik

Senin , 06 May 2013, 20:59 WIB
Indonesian Muslim apparel attracts consumers in Morocco

Ahad , 21 Apr 2013, 23:18 WIB
Tower Bersama Infrastructure builds Batik House in Pekalongan

Palembang seeks fashion market in Middle East
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALEMBANG - Fashion industry in South Sumatera eyes the market in Middle East as government tries to enhance fashion industry as an effort to expand export commodity from the province, which currently depends only on rubber and crude palm oil (CPO). "International trade exhibition shows that visitors from Middle East love Palembang traditional cloth such as jumputan (tie dyed...

Selasa , 05 Feb 2013, 21:21 WIB
Four international designers to promote Indonesian fashion

Kamis , 31 Jan 2013, 18:38 WIB
Minister: No decision on Trans Pacific Partnership yet

Ahad , 09 Dec 2012, 22:40 WIB
Sasambo, batik from Lombok

Kamis , 29 Nov 2012, 20:15 WIB
UAE could be the entrance for Indonesian product in the region

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 21:00 WIB
The Body Shop collaborates with Indonesian designer in JFW 2013

Kamis , 04 Oct 2012, 19:45 WIB
Indonesia no more exporting polyester

Sabtu , 21 Apr 2012, 21:59 WIB