Rabu , 03 Feb 2016, 16:14 WIB
Government to make Lake Toba more beautiful

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 00:31 WIB
7.7 million foreign tourists flock to Indonesia in 2014
Senin , 15 Dec 2014, 16:33 WIB
Ministry of Tourism urged to promote Biak as international tourist destination

Kamis , 11 Dec 2014, 17:13 WIB
Minister: Indonesia hopes to double number of China tourists in 2015

Rabu , 03 Dec 2014, 19:20 WIB
Minister optimistic tourist visits to reach the target

Senin , 01 Dec 2014, 20:34 WIB
Foreign tourist visits to Indonesia increase 2.21 percent

Jumat , 28 Nov 2014, 18:22 WIB
Jakarta loaded with sharia tourism destinations

Kamis , 27 Nov 2014, 21:09 WIB
Foreigners take over tourism industry in Labuan Bajo

Jumat , 21 Nov 2014, 17:25 WIB
Govt promotes Gunung Padang as world class tourist destination

Jumat , 14 Nov 2014, 18:48 WIB
Entry permit for foreign yacht made easy

Ahad , 09 Nov 2014, 18:52 WIB
Govt targets 20 million tourists by 2019

Jumat , 17 Oct 2014, 23:35 WIB
EU prepares 5 trillion IDR for eco-tourism in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara

Tomini Gulf to be the world tourist destination
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Tomini Gulf, located in the Northeastern part of Sulawesi island, has the potential to become a world marine tourism destination, secretary of the Indonesian Marine Board, or DEKIN, Dedy H Sutisna said Thursday. The implementation of Tomini Gulf Festival on September 10 to 13, 2014, is just momentum required to change the image of Tomini Gulf as...

Jumat , 05 Sep 2014, 20:00 WIB
The increasing entrance fees reduce tourist arrivals to E. Java by 30 percent

Sabtu , 23 Aug 2014, 00:07 WIB
Naval chief inspects final preparation for Sail Raja Ampat

Jumat , 22 Aug 2014, 19:00 WIB
President Yudyonono to attend the peak of Sail Raja Ampat on Saturday

Senin , 11 Aug 2014, 23:17 WIB
Two thousand military personnel to guard Sail Raja Ampat

Senin , 11 Aug 2014, 21:09 WIB
Minister: Preparation for Sail Raja Ampat completed

Senin , 07 Jul 2014, 12:21 WIB
UNESCO starts global geopark network`s verification on Gunungsewu

Senin , 02 Jun 2014, 14:00 WIB
Indonesia's April tourist arrivals up 12.41 percent

Senin , 26 May 2014, 16:13 WIB
Sail Raja Ampat to be launched on June 21

Senin , 05 May 2014, 15:35 WIB
Govt targets 252 millions of domestic tourist trips

Ahad , 04 May 2014, 15:15 WIB
At least 12 countries to take part in Majapahit Travel Fair

Sabtu , 03 May 2014, 23:28 WIB
Wakatobi prepares itself towards ASEAN Economic Community 2015

Rabu , 23 Apr 2014, 18:41 WIB
Ternate to be designed as tourism city

Selasa , 18 Feb 2014, 18:29 WIB
Minister to open auction house of Indonesian pearls in Lombok

India, where tradition meets modernity
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - India offers various experiences for the tourists. The country located in South Asia claims that its vibrant modernity mixed with traditional attraction makes it as one stop country for everything. It is a "India is huge. India is diverse. India is modern, traditional and colourful," Director of India Tourism, Madhu Dubey, said during a seminar on Thursday...