Senin , 21 Feb 2022, 09:02 WIB
Volatility: Arti, Keuntungan, dan Cara Menghitungnya
Volatility atau volatilitas, pasti sudah tidak asing bagi investor. Volatility biasanya sering terjadi di pasar saham maupun valas (valuta asing). Keduanya memiliki volatility yang tinggi. Pergerakan harga saham dan valas...
Selasa , 09 Dec 2014, 17:39 WIB
Minister: Volatility of rupiah caused by global economic condition
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro attributed the volatility of rupiah in the past several weeks to financial market players still worrying about the global economic condition."This is more on external factor," Bambang said here on Tuesday (9/12).He said the Chinese economy is slowing down and the slowdown of the world's second largest economy would have its impact...