Jumat , 03 Apr 2015, 02:00 WIB
Blocking Islamic websites betrays reform agenda
Kamis , 02 Apr 2015, 18:33 WIB
Govt tells news websites to register with Indonesian domain
Kamis , 02 Apr 2015, 09:47 WIB
Police convinced blocked websites carries radical content
Kamis , 02 Apr 2015, 09:33 WIB
Owners of blocked websites complain to House
Rabu , 01 Apr 2015, 16:56 WIB
Legislator regrets crackdown on Islamic websites
Selasa , 31 Mar 2015, 17:24 WIB
Govt blocks Islamic websites to prevent spread of radicalism
Selasa , 31 Mar 2015, 16:09 WIB