Rabu , 19 Apr 2017, 00:06 WIB
Local Wisdom Values as Tools of Conflict Resolution
By : Wildan Nasution *) REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, One of the goals of the Indonesian nation listed in the 1945 Constitution is educating the nation and protects the entire homeland of Indonesia. Additionally, Pancasila...
Rabu , 09 Jul 2014, 21:19 WIB
On election results, more wisdom urged
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Association of Indonesian Public Opinion Survey Institutes (Persepsi) has expressed hope for wisdom from the two pairs of presidential and vice candidates with regard to the recent election results. Persepsi's deputy chairman Muhamad Qodari said various survey institutes had already announced the quick count results of the election on Wednesday, and in this regard, he hoped...
Selasa , 02 Oct 2012, 09:00 WIB
Kontrak untuk Suso, Sterling, dan Wisdom?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LIVERPOOL -- Manajer Liverpool, Brendan Rodgers, mengisyaratkan akan...