Santri Husnul Khatimah Boarding School Holds Social Service at Master School

The activity contains mentoring, seminars, fun games to takjil on the road.

Dok Fospek-HK
Santri Husnul Khatimah boarding school.
Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Education and motivation are considered to be a pending capital for children to build a brilliant future. Nevertheless, urban life, which often involves hustle and bustle and competition, seems to forget an important aspect of Indonesia's future empowerment, namely the Youth.

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According to Susenas data, school-age children (7-18 years old) who do not attend school reach 4,087,288 children, either due to economic factors, student interests, etc. Meanwhile, Indonesia is currently experiencing a Demographic Bonus until its peak in 2045. The obligation to build Indonesia is not just for the Government, but for all of us.

The Executive Board of FOSPEK-HK (Santri Communication Forum Asal Jakarta & Depok) of Pondok Pesantren Husnul Khotimah took the initiative to hold a social service called Batavia (Social Service with Fospek-HK) in this holy month of Ramadan, through a written statement to the Republic, Thursday (4/4/2024). The Qur'an's Surah Al-Maidah verse 2 means: “And help you in virtue and righteousness, and do not help in sin and transgression.“

This activity aims to help and develop a spirit of togetherness, empathy, caring, and attractively packed educational motivation.

Batavia was organized at Sekolah Master (Terminal Mosque) on Tuesday (2/4/2024), which is a free school for street children and underprivileged. The activities include mentoring, seminars, fun games to takjil on the road.

No less, as many as 80 organizers and 450 participants participated in this activity. They also broke their fast together and distributed 700 takjil parcels to the surrounding communities. This activity also decorated 200 Koran parcels in the Master School. Batavia is expected to have an immediate impact for children and the surrounding community as well as encouraging us all to vie for good.

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