Halal Program Achievement in North Sulawesi Exceeds Target

An important topic to be provided in halal training is the introduction of regulation.

ANTARA FOTO/Muhammad Izfaldi
Business operators apply for halal certification (illustration).
Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MANADO -- The Organizing Agency for Halal Product Assurance (BPJPH) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) targets Halal Mandatory October 2024 (WHO 2024) to surpass those targeted in North Sulawesi (Sulut).

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“We continue to hold mandatory Halal Socialization October 2024 (WHO 2024) including Halal Product Process Assistance Training (P3H) in various regions in Indonesia, including in North Sulawesi through the Halal Product Assurance Task Force (Task Force),” said the head of the Halal Product Assurance Task Force of North Sulawesi Province Basri Saenong, in Manado, yesterday.

He said one of the important topics that should be given in the First Aid Training is Halal Product Policy and Regulation.

The government all along, he said, continues to be committed to pushing for this halal certification. Among other things, by setting up various supporting infrastructures.

He explained that the Sulut Halal Task Force is constantly moving to socialize and provide assistance to first responders and SMEs and the public so that WHO 2024 halal certification can reach even more than the target.

“We are constantly engaged in socialization and mentoring. Today I am present to be a source in the First Aid Training activity carried out by Bank Indonesia Representative Sulut as our working partner,” he explained.

The training took place for two days, 25-26 April 2024 and was conducted by Bank Indonesia Representative of North Sulawesi and attended by LP3H Manager LPI Pondok Karya Pembangan (PKP) Manado as DPW Hebitren of North Sulawesi Province.

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