Kamis 29 Apr 2021 23:49 WIB

Indonesia declared Papua KKB a terrorist organization

Indonesia established that Papua KKB a terrorist organization

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian government has officially designated the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB) and its affiliated organizations in Papua as a list of suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD said the Indonesian government had asked all security forces to take quick, decisive and measured action against these organizations.

"The government considers that organizations and certain people in Papua who commit massive violence are categorized as terrorists," Mahfud MD said in a press conference at his office, Central Jakarta, Thursday (29/4).

Mahfud explained that the decision was taken after hearing statements from the Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the National Police-TNI leadership, and Papuan figures.

Mahfud said that many Papuan community leaders, Papuan traditional leaders, and official Papuan leaders came to his office.

They all claimed that these organizations carried out brutal and massive killings and violence. "(They) expressed support for the Indonesian government to take the necessary actions to deal with the recent acts of violence in Papua," Mahfud said.

The determination is carried out in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Law Number 5 of 2018. It explains the meaning of terrorism and terrorist. For the definition of terrorist, said Mahfud, the regulation means whoever is the person who plans, mobilizes and organizes terrorism.

The definition of terrorism as stipulated in this regulation is any act that uses violence or threats of violence that create an atmosphere of terror or widespread fear that can cause mass casualties.

And or cause damage or destruction to vital objects that are strategic to the environment, public facilities, or international facilities with ideological, political and security motives.

Based on this definition, Mahfud said that what was done by Papuan armed criminal groups and all names of organizations and people affiliated with them was a terrorist act.

This Papuan armed criminal group previously shot the head of the Papua Regional State Intelligence Agency (Kabinda), Brigadier General TNI Putu Danny, in Dambet Village, Beoga District, Puncak Regency.

The KKB also shot teachers and students, burned school facilities and raped village girls, extorted village funds and burned "honai" tribal chiefs in Beoga.


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