Rabu 25 Oct 2023 20:47 WIB

Minister: Production Capacity of Indonesia Electric Motors Reaches 1.4 Million Units

Two-wheeled motor vehicles have exports of 428 thousand units (CBU).

Minister of Industry (Minister of Industry) of RI Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita (center).
Foto: ANTARA/HO-Humas Unand.
Minister of Industry (Minister of Industry) of RI Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita (center).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG -- Indonesia's Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita says the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia has been supported by 48 electric motorcycle companies. Its production capacity reaches 1.43 million units per year.

“In the framework of its development, the Ministry of Industry continues to accelerate the formation of the electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem through evaluations and various breakthroughs. This step is a form of industry support in fulfilling the government's commitment to lower emissions gases,” the Minister said at the opening of the Indonesia Motorcycle Show (IMOS+) at ICE BSD, Tangerang, Wednesday (25/10/2023).

Based on the registration data of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB) until September 2023, a total of 66,978 units of electric motorcycles have been registered. To support the adoption, the government has rolled out the Government Assistance for the Purchase of Two-Wheeled KBLBB program.

In accordance with the Minister of Industry Regulation No. 6 of 2023 juncto No. 21 of 2023, the government provides assistance in the form of a rebate, Rp 7 million for each purchase.

“This assistance can be obtained by every Indonesian citizen at least 17 years old who has a National Population Number (NIK), evidenced by the possession of an electronic ID card,” he explained.

Agus informs, currently 16 two-wheeled KBLBB industrial companies have been registered as participants of the program. They provides 38 models of units that have entered the platform for distributing aid programs. As of October 20, 2023, assistance has been received by more than 7,500 beneficiaries.

“It is hoped that in the future more people will benefit from the program, so that the target of improving the two-wheeled KBLBB ecosystem in line with the commitment to reduce carbon emissions in Indonesia can be achieved,” he said.

In general, the Minister continued, two-wheeled motor vehicles have achieved domestic sales of 4.7 million units and exports of 428 thousand units (CBU) in the period January-September 2023.

The figure increase compared to the same period in 2022 which amounted to 3.6 million units for domestic sales and total exports of 568 thousand units (CBU). The total domestic sales in 2022 reached 5.2 million units and total exports reached 743 thousand units (CBU).

“The target domestic sales of motorcycles by the end of 2023 is 6.1 million units. We also encourage exports for at least match the 2022 figure, despite the weak purchasing power of the global market. With high exports, we can show that the automotive sector contributes to being the foreign exchange hero of Indonesia's trade balance,” Agus said.

One of the important steps in the development of the EV ecosystem is socialization and education to the public so that it can be comfortable to ride electric-based motorcycles, one of them through the organization of automotive exhibitions such as IMOS+.

“We are interested in this because the transport industry has many subsectors of supporting industries, such as tires, glass, batteries, electric batteries, helmets, and apparel. So it is a big lever and also increases the added value for GDP,” he added.

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