Jumat 15 Dec 2023 20:18 WIB

Islam and The Way to Criticism

Previous scholars have advised signs in conveying criticism.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Former scholars have advised on signs in conveying criticism. They use fair weight in issuing judgments, and they have general rules for criticizing others and statements.

For example, earlier hadith scholars were also strict in judging a history of hadith. However, under certain conditions, it is not required to address the condition of the opponent or interlocutor. Some important things to consider when conveying criticism. Adab conveys criticism in Islam

Baca Juga

Leave If you do not understand

Leave the field that is not understood or not the focus, because it is better to leave the matter to someone who is an expert.

Not Pretending to Understand

Not to be a person who fakes himself to be a figure who understands what is being talked about. Nor did he deliver false criticism for his ignorance of the truth or for his inability to defend the truth.