Ahad 31 Dec 2023 13:46 WIB

Sajjah and Musailamah, 2 False Prophets Who Finally Married

Sajjah is an Arab Christian who claims to be a prophet

Rep: Rossi Handayani/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Sajjah is an Arab Christian who claims to be a prophet. Desert Illustration
Foto: Pixabay
Sajjah is an Arab Christian who claims to be a prophet. Desert Illustration

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — After the Prophet died, some people quit Islam, and some claimed to be prophets. Refer to Al-Bidayah wa An-Nihayah under the title “The Story of Sajjah and the Bani Tamim” mentioned:

The Bani Tamim had different opinions during the apostasy period, some apostatized, and refused to perform zakat. Meanwhile, Sajjah binti Al Harits ibn Suwaid ibn Aqfan, an Arab Christian claimed to be a prophet. The people who followed him were from his immediate family and citizens. They were determined to attack Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq.

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Then they came to meet the people of Bani Tamim. Among those who followed Sajjah's call were Malik ibn Nuwairah and Atharid ibn Hijab.

One of his army men told Sajjah to meet Malik ibn Nuwairah. Sajjah came and met Malik ibn Nuwairah, the leader of the Bani Yarbu.

But Malik asked Sajjah to kill all the Bani Tamim who did not submit and opposed Sajjah. Even Malik declared 'all that is ours is yours too'.

And Sajjah immediately believed it, although Malik was a grandee of the inhabitants of the Banu Tamim. Then they held talks and talked about who would be attacked first.

Sajjah said: “They prepared the vehicle, prepared in the robbery, then carried out the assault, and no one stood in the way.” Then he also wanted to seize the territory that Musailamah had controlled in Yamamah. Then his followers denied that Musailamah was a dangerous man and had a strong and large army.

Then Sajjah replied, “We have to go to Yamamah. Fly like a dove. Although there the struggle will be fierce, but you will not be grieved.”

When he heard that Sajjah's forces were about to attack Musailamah, Musailamah feared for his territory. Musailamah would also be attacked by Muslim forces led by Tsummah ibn Atsal and assisted by Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahal and Islamic armies.

Musailamah also offered to cooperate with Sajjah. It continued until the two became attracted to each other and married. And in the end, Sajjah returned to its origin when Khalid ibn al Walid with his army reached Yamamah. 

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