REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Gesture and microexpression expert from the Indonesian Forensic Psychology Association Monica Kumalasari argues that presidential candidate Anies Baswedan controls emotions well during the third debate of the Presidential Election (Presidential Election) in Jakarta, Sunday (7/1/2024). The third debate took place in Istora Senayan, Jakarta.
“The positive sentiment of citizens by 77 percent according to Drone Emprit data is proven by observations on excellent emotional control,” Monica said on Monday (8/1/2024).
According to Monica, Anies' emotions were restrained even when asked back by presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto when discussing a topic about ethics and this provoked Prabowo's anger. At the questioning session, Anies asked Prabowo about ethical standards. Prabowo then argued that Anies had no right to talk about ethics because the former Jakarta governor was judged not to have set a good example on ethics.
Monica said Anies still responded attentively without any leaks of facial expressions showing anger.
“There was only a subtle shoulder shrug and a longer breath as a response of disapproval and vagueness to Prabowo's answer, but still showed firmness through voice suppression,” he said.
On the other hand, according to him, the public enjoyed the way Anies beretorika, asked and delivered answers. Anies was judged to still maintain ethics by saying “I don't have the balls to repeat”.
“It captured the dominant emotion of fear (fear) that was predicted as a concern that the statement judged provoked Prabowo's emotions,” Monica said.
After the first debate on 12 December 2023 and the second debate on 22 December 2023, the Commission held a third debate bringing together the presidents. The third debate themes include defense, security, international relations, globalization, geopolitics, and foreign politics.
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