Selasa 06 Feb 2024 21:46 WIB

Hours of Rain Triggers Flooding in Surabaya

In addition to flooding, dozens of fallen trees were reported in Surabaya City.

Rep: Dadang Kurnia/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Foto: Antara/Didik Suhartono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA — A number of spots in the city of Surabaya, East Java, were hit by flooding on Monday (5/2/2024) night. In addition to heavy rains, the Department of Water Resources and Bina Marga (DSDABM) of the City of Surabaya highlighted a number of factors that trigger the appearance of stagnant water, among them drainage.

Head of DSDABM of Surabaya City Syamsul Hariadi said that floods hit the areas of Babat Jerawat-Benowo, Tanjung Sadari, Jalan Rajawali, Jalan Gresik, Krembangan, Manukan Lor, Dukuh Kupang, Margomulyo, and Tambak Osowilangun.

Baca Juga

“There are different constraints at each location of the pool. Such as the capacity of pumps and ducts that cannot contain rain that occurs for six hours, from 17.30-24.00 WIB,” Syamsul said on Tuesday (6/2/2024).

Syamsul exemplifies flooding in Osowilangun Tambak area. According to him, there are no adequate drains or drainage and pumps in the area. Another factor that contributes to flooding or the appearance of stagnant water is called the presence of obstacles in the form of narrowing of channels due to the creation of road access for the walls.

In addition, according to Syamsul, a factor that is widely encountered is garbage that hinders the flow of water into the pump house. Damage to some pump devices and sluices due to high frequency of use is also a factor that makes standing water last.

“Then another factor is insufficient inter-channel connectivity and not yet the completion of the conversion from irrigation channel to drainage,” Syamsul said.

To address the flooding and waterlogging problem, Syamsul said, it has taken some quick actions by lowering the Rapid Reaction Unit Task Force Team and deploying pump cars. While for the long term, among other things, the construction of drainage.

“Planning for dealing with inundation with the construction of this drainage infrastructure means according to technical studies and budget availability,” Syamsul said.

In 2024, according to Syamsul, the City Government (Pemkot) of Surabaya prioritizes the construction of waterways in several areas, including in the areas of Dukuh Kupang, Manukan, Petemon, Benowo, Mayjen Sungkono, and Mulyosari. “We chose the location because it is a major road, is a puddling subscription, and is a densely populated settlement,” he said.

Other efforts, according to Syamsul, ensure drainage functions normally, as well as normalization of waterways and rivers. “We also make sure the pump functions properly. We prepare a pump car totaling two units for fast motion handling of puddles. We formed a URC Task Force Team that immediately followed up everything in the handling of puddles with the support of heavy equipment and other equipment,” he said.

In addition to flooding, heavy rains accompanied by strong winds triggered fallen trees in a number of points in the Surabaya city area. “There are 17 trees reported to have fallen,” Surabaya City Environment Department (DLH) chief Dedik Irianto said.

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