Selasa 02 Apr 2024 21:46 WIB

Scouting Is Optional For Students, Mandatory For Schools

Schools are required to open Scouting extracurricular.

Rep: Ronggo Astungkoro/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
A number of students participated in scout camp activities.
Foto: Antara/Akbar Nugroho Gumay
A number of students participated in scout camp activities.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Coordinator for Human and Cultural Development (Kemenko PMK) explained that forward scouting will be an option in schools by students. However, schools remain required to provide scout extracurriculars.

“Scouting is an option. Because there may be those who do not want their hobbies to go directly to the things that they want to suppose, so they can go that way,” said Deputy for Coordination of Educational Quality Improvement and Religious Moderation Kemenko PMK warsito during a discussion with the media in Jakarta, Monday (1/4/2024) evening.

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Despite only being an option for students, Warsito insists, schools are still required to open scout extracurriculars. According to him, the scouting extracurricular rank will be the same as that of other scouting extracurriculars, such as the Juvenile Red Cross (PMR) and others.

“But the difference is that educational units must provide facilities or extracurricular activities related to scouting,” Warsito explained.

Warsito revealed that the technical ministry in this case the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) will create technical instructions related to the extracurricular. The technical directive will indeed be issued as a derivative of Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024.

“Technical instructions on what kind of extracurriculars are like. It will be removed from the regulation of the Permendikbudnya,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Kemendikbudristek explained, schools are still obliged to provide scout extracurricular on Permendikbudristek Number 12 Year 2024. The rule does not change the provision that scouting is an extracurricular that schools are required to provide.

“Schools remain obliged to provide at least one extracurricular activity, which is scouting,” said Head of the Standards, Curriculum, and Educational Assessment Agency (BSKAP) of the Ministry of Education Anindito Aditomo.

The man whom Nino often addresses confirmed that every school up to the secondary education level must provide scouting as an extracurricular activity in the Merdeka Curriculum. He explained that Permendikbudristek requires schools to organize at least one extracurricular.

“Then, Law No. 12 of 2010 on the Scout Movement also required educational units to have front groups,” Nino said.

He insists, from the start, the Ministry of Education had no idea of negating the scouts. Permendikbudristek No. 12 of 2024 actually strengthens the legislative regulations in placing the importance of extracurricular activities in educational units.

In practice, he said, Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 only revised the part of scouting education in the Block Model that mandates campsites, to be non-mandatory.

Nevertheless, if the educational unit will organize camp activities, then it is still allowed. In addition, the participation of pupils in extracurricular activities is also voluntary.

“Law Number 12 of 2010 states that the scout movement is independent, voluntary, and nonpolitical. In line with that, Permendikbudristek Number 12 of 2024 stipulates that the participation of pupils in extracurricular activities, including Scouting, is voluntary,” Nino said.

The Ministry of Education confirmed that it will clarify the technical provisions regarding Scouting extracurriculars in the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation Guide that will be published before the new school year. “In essence every school remains obliged to offer Scouting as one of the extracurriculars. This provision has not changed from the previous curriculum,” explains Nino.

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