Kamis 11 Apr 2024 01:50 WIB

Employment Minister: Internship Program Abroad Improves Human Resources Quality

HR Quality is one pillar towards Golden Indonesia.

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Minister of Employment (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah.
Foto: Republika.co.id
Minister of Employment (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Employment Minister Ida Fauziyah said that the overseas apprenticeship program is one of the important efforts in improving the quality of Indonesia's Human Resources (HR).

This is in line with President Joko Widodo's directive to facilitate and develop apprenticeship schemes, especially overseas, to improve the competence and quality of Indonesia's workforce. The program is also part of the grand vision of Development Indonesia Gold 2045, which places human development as one of its main pillars.

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“The process of building the quality of HR requires contributions, synergies, and collaboration from various parties, because the government cannot work alone in making this happen,” Ida said in a statement.

The Matsushita Gobel Foundation (YMG) which is part of the Gobel Group returned 84 Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) Batch XII trainees to Japan at the end of March. This program is YMG's commitment to encourage increased growth in the number of expert workforce in Indonesia in order to align with the needs of the increasingly competitive industry.

The hope is that after the program participants complete the internship, they can bring the skills they have learned from Japan to practice in the national industry. This is expected to contribute to meeting the availability of experts in Indonesia. Since 2017, YMG in total has released 380 interns to Japan.

Kemenaker appreciates YMG for conducting Technical Intern Training which includes an apprenticeship program to Japan. Ida hopes that this program can serve as a pilot and inspiration for Industry actors from the private sector.

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