Rabu 24 Apr 2024 22:20 WIB

Deputy for Youth Empowerment: It is Time Together to Build the State

He called the ruling of the Court final.

Deputy for Youth Empowerment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Asrorun Ni'am.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Deputy for Youth Empowerment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Asrorun Ni'am.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy for Youth Empowerment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh called on all youth elements to become pioneers in the field of youth empowerment Celebrate togetherness and unity after the Court's ruling. The trick is by respecting the stages of ownership that led to the Court's ruling.

“The Court's ruling on the election is final and binding. The contestants are over. It's time to unite to build a country. Youth should be the agents who pioneer the initiation of unity and reconciliation. Do not let the narrative of hatred, provocation erode our national cohesion,” Niam said at the opening of the Pemuda Speak event attended by leaders of various organizations To Leklam dan Paarudaan in Jakarta, Tuesday (23/04/2024).

Baca Juga

Furthermore, the former student activist said that the Court's ruling is a formal mechanism to end the political process of elections, both presidential and legislative elections, because the Court's ruling is final and binding.

“We as law-abiding citizens must therefore respect it, and make the Court's ruling a basis for responding to political dynamics, leaving aside sectoral egos, as well as group interests to safeguard the interests of the nation and the state,” he said.

The UIN Jakarta Professor also affirmed that it is time for the youth to lean back after the competition, because the nation needs togetherness and unity to accelerate the development process.

“Let us not perpetuate a provocative and divisive narrative. Here is the importance of young people as agents of change in realizing nasinal cohesion by using their digital literacy skills, the ability to build togetherness between elements, and continue to knit the ropes of togetherness, especially in the midst of the Eid al-Fitr situation, then the passion to build togetherness and the passion to forgive each other should be a positive ethos in accelerating development,” he said.

Furthermore, this UIN Jakarta Postgraduate Lecturer affirms that there is no perfect leader, but the political process that has already produced this elected national leadership as the optimal outcome that we must support together.

“Our electoral political interests must not trump our national interests. It's time to contest yes to contest, but when it's over, let's not perpetuate the narrative that continues to divide, and perpetuate the narrative of difference, it's time to put forward a narrative of unity,” Ni'am said.

The Youth Speak activities were also attended by Assistant Deputies for Youth and Scouting Organizations, Alumni of Youth organizations and Activists from various other youth elements.

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