Rabu 08 May 2024 20:12 WIB

Erick Thohir Hopes for Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple has great potential as a pilgrimage destination.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Buddhist monks at Borobudur Temple.
Foto: AP Photo/Slamet Riyadi
Buddhist monks at Borobudur Temple.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Holding BUMN tourism and supporters or InJourney is repositioning Borobudur Temple into not just a cultural reserve, but also as a spriritual destination. InJourney's Marketing and Tourism Program Director Maya Watono said Borobudur Temple has great potential as a world pilgrimage destination given that it is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Maya said that the celebration of Waisak 2024 on May 23, 2024 is a great momentum in strengthening the image of Borobudur Temple as a world-class spiritual destination. Maya conveyed that the repositioning of Borobudur Temple is also in line with the support of SOE Minister Erick Thohir in accentuating the image of Borobudur Temple which is closely aligned with the universal values of virtue and philosophy of life etched in the reliefs and architecture of the temple.

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“SOE Minister Erick Thohir and Mr. Wamen (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo support that Borobudur Temple is not limited to a cultural reserve, but has a soul as a spiritual destination for Buddhists around the world,” Maya said during a press conference regarding the Waisak memorial series at Borobudur Temple 2024 in Jakarta, Wednesday (8/5/2024).

Maya conveyed the repositioning of Borobudur Temple also received full support from a number of relevant ministries. Maya said the collaboration of a number of ministries will form a single special authority to carry out the repositioning.

“From the collaboration of five ministries to one management authority, there will be a Perpres who will come out to be able to reposition Borobudur Temple as a spiritual destination,” Maya said.

Maya said InJourney will optimize the group's entire line in reorganizing the destination of Borobudur Temple. InJourney, Maya continued, also encouraged the opening of direct flight routes from Thailand, Vietnam, to China to Yogyakarta International Airport to make it easier for Buddhists to come to Borobudur Temple.

“We encourage spiritual destinations and certainly quality tourism that also promotes heritage, cultural, and spiritual values,” Maya said.

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