Rabu 30 Oct 2024 05:18 WIB

Boarding schools and madrasahs are expected to increase in number

The Sulteng Ministry provides easy permission to establish ponpes and madrasahs.

A number of santri sang Mars Santri during the National Santri Day commemoration ceremony at Maulana Yudha Negara Square, Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Tuesday (22/10/2024). The ceremony, which was attended by representatives of boarding houses in Tangerang district, carried the theme of Connecting Juang, Merengkuh Future.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Sulthony Hasanuddin
A number of santri sang Mars Santri during the National Santri Day commemoration ceremony at Maulana Yudha Negara Square, Tigaraksa, Tangerang Regency, Banten, Tuesday (22/10/2024). The ceremony, which was attended by representatives of boarding houses in Tangerang district, carried the theme of Connecting Juang, Merengkuh Future.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALU -- The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) of Central Sulawesi Province is ready to provide licensing facilities for the establishment of boarding schools (Ponpes) and madrasahs.

“We opened opportunities and facilitated the licensing of boarding houses and religious madrasahs in Central Sulawesi. God willing, if we need 500 permits, we will prepare for the establishment of boarding schools and madrasahs,” Kakanwil Kemenag Sulteng Mohsen Alaydrus said in Palu on Thursday.

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The Ministry encourages the opening of opportunities for boarding houses to grow and develop, especially in Central Sulawesi. The boarding school is no longer just a religious educational institution, but also a center of innovation that integrates religious science with modern science.

“Santri today is not only required to master religious science, but must also have competence in science and technology,” he said.

That amenity, he further said, can be used as a pep and encouragement for the undertakers and hosting a boarding house.

According to him, the permit for the establishment of boarding houses is easy, granting such permits to encourage the growth of the generation of quality schools.

Regarding the prevalence of various cases in boarding houses, Mohsen confirmed that the Ministry of Education has made a declaration of friendly boarding schools, in addition to conducting various trainings to the caretakers of boarding houses, in the context of santri friendly insights.


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