Senin 04 Feb 2013 22:28 WIB

Indonesia proposes APEC`s Work Plan on main streaming ocean issues

Indonesia proposes the work plan on mainstreaming ocean issues at the APEC SOM. The country has great interest in developing its potential of maritime. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
Indonesia proposes the work plan on mainstreaming ocean issues at the APEC SOM. The country has great interest in developing its potential of maritime. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia during the APEC Senior Officials` Meeting (SOM) has proposed a work plan on mainstreaming ocean issues towards sustainable economy, trade and investment in Asia and the Pacific.

"One of the important reasons why Indonesia proposes the work plan on mainstreaming ocean issues is because we have many interests as a maritime country. Besides, it has significant potentials for the APEC`s countries," said Director General of Asia, Pacific and Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yuri Thamrin to the press after a closed meeting here on Monday.

Thamrin added the proposal was also a part of Indonesia`s chairmanship of APEC 2013 which will be optimized by incorporating as many significant issues as possible of domestic and regional interests. "During today`s meeting, APEC delegations have agreed to follow up the work plan`s proposal to the SOM II in Surabaya and to deliver the final agreement in SOM III in Medan. The two APEC meetings will be held later in 2013," he said.

The agreement of the work plan on mainstreaming maritime issues was also enhanced with policy dialogues by nine ocean experts from Indonesia, China, Australia, Russia, and NGOs like Asian Development Bank (ADB), UN International Maritime Organization (IMO), and The Nature Conservancy.

"Most of the presentations talked about the importance of blue economy and the significance of APEC`s maritime region for the inclusive economy growth," said Thamrin.

During the discussion, APEC SOM delegations outlined three initiatives to be followed up in the ocean`s work plan, namely combating illegal fishing, development of renewable energy and sustainability of fish stock among the APEC`s member countries, he explained.

Thamrin added in the near future, the work plan on maritime issues will be discussed in the APEC`s ministerial meeting as soon as the framework was formulated in SOM III. Regarding the form of the ocean`s work plan agreement as APEC`s non-binding cooperation, Thamrin pointed out the track records of APEC`s agreements which are more respected and obeyed than many other binding ties.

"One of the highlight points of APEC`s agreement is that we have same understanding of the significance of many likely issues, like the ocean issues," said Thamrin. "Yes, we are an organization with non-binding cooperation, but APEC has a kind of gentleman`s agreement," he added.


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