Senin 19 Aug 2013 10:49 WIB

Embassy: Australia recognizes Indonesian sovereignty

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Map of Indonesia and its neighbor, Australia
Map of Indonesia and its neighbor, Australia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The policy of the Australian Government towards Indonesia's Papuan provinces is absolutely clear, Australia recognizes and supports Indonesia’s sovereignty. 

In a written statement from Australian Embassy in Jakarta on Sunday, the government said, "The so-called 'Freedom Flotilla' is a fringe group whose views are not shared by mainstream Australia."

"The Australian Government does not support the actions of groups that seek to breach the laws of other countries’ —including the ‘Freedom Flotilla', if they seek to sail into Indonesian territory illegally," it said.

Earlier, a presidential spokeman for international relations Teuku Faizasyah said that Australian acvtivist needed permission from Indonesian government if they want to enter Papua. 

"That's not good in the framework of our international relations. They must have permission to enter our territory. Otherwise, such action is cintraproductive to our bilateral relations," he said on Wednesday.

Australian activist group was reportedly to sail to Papua. Group called Freedom Flotilla consists of Aboriginal ekders, Papuan reagugees, filmmakers, and other activists.

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