Kamis 13 Feb 2014 22:51 WIB

Norwegian boy takes parents' car, claims he's a dwarf

A ten-year-old Norwegian boy drives his parents' car and claims he is  dwarf who forgets his driving license. (illustration)
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
A ten-year-old Norwegian boy drives his parents' car and claims he is dwarf who forgets his driving license. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, OSLO - A ten-year-old Norwegian boy came up with a novel excuse after he drove his parents' car into a snowy ditch on Wednesday morning: he told police he was a dwarf who forgot his driving license.

The boy lives near Dokka, a town about 110 kilometers north of Oslo. Sometime before 06.00 local time, he loaded his 18-month old sister into the car and headed for their grandparents in Valdres, about 60 kilometers away, local police said.

He drove more than 10 kilometers before he veered off the road. A snowplow driver found him and alerted the police.

"The parents woke up and discovered that the children were missing and that someone had taken off with their car. They were pretty upset, as you can imagine," said Baard Christiansen, a spokesman for the Vest Oppland police district.

"The boy told the snowplow driver that he was a dwarf and that he had forgotten his driver's license at home."

Police said no charges would be filed and the case was closed. The children were not injured and the car was not damaged, police said.

"We have talked to them, and I'm pretty sure they're going to pay very close attention both to their children and to their car keys in the future," Christiansen said.

sumber : Reuters
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