Ahad 15 Jun 2014 19:59 WIB

Two killed in Southwest Belgium shooting

Foto: asaljangan.com

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRUSSEL -- Gunshots were heard Sunday morning in a village in southwestern Belgium, with two people being reportedly killed.

The shooting occurred in the street of Emile Vandervelde at Cuesmes, a village near the town of Mons in the province of Hainaut, southwest of Belgium.

Two people died in the shooting, according to report of local news site Sudinfo, saying head of the police Mons-Quevy district Marc Garin has confirmed the information.

Rescue teams are now on the spot and the procuratorate is expected at the scene, said Garin.

"We can certainly talk about violent death but we do not know more for now," he said.

According to preliminary information, the shooting could have originated from a family dispute and it would be a murder followed by a suicide, he added.

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