Selasa 30 Dec 2014 16:08 WIB

Basarnas focus searching missing AirAsia in 12 points

Rep: Mas Alamil Huda/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
a Navy personnel watch the area of searching of the missing AirAsia QZ 8501
Foto: tni
a Navy personnel watch the area of searching of the missing AirAsia QZ 8501

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BELITUNG -- National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) focuses searching missing AirAsia flight QZ 8501 in 12 points. The ill-fated aircraft was reported missing on December 28 morning over the sea around East Belitung.

Basarnas stated that the 12 searching points were in the north of Tanjung Pandang, the north of Belitung Island, Karimata Strait, between Belitung and Kumai Bay, Kumai Bay, Java Sea, in the waters of Java Sea, in Java Sea in northern part of Cirebon, Belitung Island, the north of Bangka Belitung, and in the borders between West Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

"We continue evaluating the search," The Head of Basarnas Surabaya, Hernanto, said on Tuesday, December 30. He said that the agency would continue expanding search area with the help from other parties, including Singapore and other agencies.

Basarnas also opens for any information, such as from fisherman. Earlier, the agency was informed about the suspected oil spill in waters. However, it turned out that it was coral reef. 




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