Senin 01 Jun 2015 18:58 WIB

Poverty, enemy to children rights in Kenya

Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NAKURU -- Lucy Kemunto, a Kenyan mother of five children, knows no other place to eke out a living from other than a quarry.

From 8 am to 4 pm, she has devoted all her efforts towards breaking lumps of stones at the Soweto quarry in the rural village of Lare, Nakuru County.

Even if it rains or the sun rays turn hot, she cannot abandon the strenuous job since her children must have food to eat, clothes to wear and writing materials for their studies.

But to fill one wheelbarrow of gravel is not an easy task for her. Her way of doing it faster and thus earn more money is finding a helping hand in her daughter, who is a few weeks shy from 13 years.