Senin 28 Sep 2015 09:35 WIB

10 dead in Benghazi clashes between Libya army, militants

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AFP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGHAZI -- Seven jihadists of the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) group and three soldiers of Libya's recognised government died in weekend clashes in the eastern city of Benghazi, military and medical sources said Sunday.

A source at the city's Al-Jalaa hospital, quoted by Libya's government-run news agency, said three soldiers were killed and 21 colleagues wounded during the Saturday-Sunday clashes in the Saberi district of central Benghazi.

Seven members of Libyan branches of IS were killed and seven others captured, according to the army's central command.

Controversial army chief Khalifa Haftar announced a military offensive on September 19 against anti-government forces in Benghazi, 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) east of the capital Tripoli.