Kamis 28 Jul 2016 20:57 WIB

US appreciates appointment of 12 new ministers

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Wiranto (r)
Foto: Antara/Wahyun Putro A
Wiranto (r)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The US government showed their appreciation for the appointment of 12 new ministers, following the reshuffling of President Joko Widodo's working cabinet, which was announced Wednesday from the State Palace.

"The composition of the Indonesian cabinet is important to the President and the people of Indonesia," said the spokesperson of the US State Department, Anna Richey-Allen, in a press release received here on Thursday.

As the second and third largest democratic countries, the US and Indonesia are committed in maintaining, and strengthening, the two countries' close relationship, based upon their mutual aims and values.

"The US hopes to continue our alliance with President Widodo and his Ministers, to deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries for our collective interests," she remarked.

In her statement, Allen also mentioned the involvement of the newly appointed Coordination Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, General Wiranto, regarding allegations of human rights violations.

"We are aware of the human rights violation allegations against Wiranto during his time serving as the military commander," she said.

The National Military Commander from 1998 to 1999 was deemed responsible for a number of human rights violations, according to reports filed with the National Commission on Human Rights.

The incidents mentioned in the reports include the Trisakti University Tragedy in May 1998, Semanggi I and II incidents, the abduction and disappearance of pro-democracy activists in 1997 and 1998, as well as the Bloody Biak incident.

Allen reiterated the importance for the Indonesian government to ensure the accountability of past human rights violations, to counter the military acting with impunity, considering that the protection of human rights is the baseline for policies in the United States.

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