Rabu 07 Jun 2017 17:22 WIB

Kontras conveys its solidarity to Palestine

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Deputy Coordinator of Strategy and Labor Union Mobilization of Kontras, Puri Kencana Putri
Foto: Republika/Tahta Aidilla
Deputy Coordinator of Strategy and Labor Union Mobilization of Kontras, Puri Kencana Putri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (Kontras) conveyed its solidarity to Palestine and backed Indonesian international policy for Palestine related to its movement to support Palestinian independence.

"Israeli military occupancy to Palestine is still going on and stagnant. Basically it has been gone beyond the definition of occupancy itself. Israeli military was not only occupied the Palestinian territorial, but also killed civil society, separated families and damaged civil facilities,” said Deputy Coordinator of Strategy and Labor Union Mobilization of Kontras, Puri Kencana Putri, in a press release in Jakarta on Wednesday (June 7).

Puri said, until now Gaza Strip was still under the siege of Israeli military and Israel still used its military power against civil society in the name of security.

On December 23, 2016, by UN resolution in 2016, UN Security Council stated that the adoption of conflict resolution in West Bank was a grave violation of international law. But, after the resolution, Israeli government announced its plan to launch 6.000 military troops to West Bank, including Eastern Jerusalem.

Based on the report of UN Special Reporters for human right situation in Palestine, along with to the announcement of settlement construction reported an increasing number of destruction in West bank and Eastern Jerusalem.

"Attacks are not only targeted civil society, Palestinian human rights organization reports repressive working environment,” she said.

UN organizations issued various recommendations to stop the battle and occupancy in Palestinian territory. Instead of continual repressing and blockade for international community, the condition continued to deteriorate.

"Stagnant movement and situation were not only come from Israeli military, but also international community movement to this situation,” she said.

Puri said Indonesian civil society organization must do a solidarity movement recommended the policy makers to stop Israeli occupancy in Palestine. Kontras also conveyed that the ongoing conflicts in Palestinian territory were not only about religion between Jews and Muslim. It was a tragedy of humanity implicitly neglected by international community when there was no better situation in resolving the conflict.

According to Puri, Israeli military occupancy had met the elements of crimes against humanity by International Criminal Council in Rome Statute. But, it was never been followed up by international community by encouraging the process to trial.

Indonesian government who respected human rights and democracy and have more concern to the liability of human rights movement should encourage Israeli government to recommend obeying international community regulation and international law on human rights.

"This is the time for international community, including Indonesia as a leader in supporting Palestine, to take new innovation in international forum to stop serious crimes and violences in Palestinian territory,” she said.

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