Kamis 21 Sep 2017 12:50 WIB

Qatar, Kuwait stop renewing visas for N Korean workers

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
A ballistic missile test equipped with a precision guidance system, in an undisclosed location in northern Korea.
Foto: EPA / KCNA
A ballistic missile test equipped with a precision guidance system, in an undisclosed location in northern Korea.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DOHA/KUWAIT -- North Korean workers willstart leaving Qatar and Kuwait after the Gulf Arab states said they would stop renewing visas, cutting off a source of foreign income for Pyongyang after U.N. Security Council sanctions and pressure from the United States.

U.S. President Donald Trump urged United Nations member states on Tuesday to turn up the pressure on North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons, using his maiden speech to the world body to address what he has said is the top global challenge.

The speech comes after North Korea's nuclear tests and missile launches which have stirred global tensions.

Several thousand North Korean workers reside in the U.S-allied Gulf region, mainly working on construction sites.