Ahad 17 Jun 2012 21:55 WIB

Hidayat Nur Wahid becomes a member of Muslim World League

Rep: Yudha Manggala P Putra/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Hidayat Nur Wahid (photo file)
Foto: Antara
Hidayat Nur Wahid (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – A former chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Hidayat Nur Wahid, is appointed as a member of Muslim World League after the position is vacant for a long time. Wahid who was also running for Jakarta's governor, could finally attend the inauguration this time after he failed to be present two months ago.

"Indonesian chair in this board has been vacant for a long time after the former President BJ Habibie," Hidayat Nur Wahid said on Saturday. Another Indonesian representative sitting in the position is the first Indonesian Prime Minister, M. Natsir. He became the member of Muslim World League in 1969.

Wahid explained that Indonesian existence in the board was strategic. It is important for Indonesia to sit in the organization as the country is the biggest Muslim country in the world. Thus, Indonesia can take part in the discussion and give some suggestions to tackle the problem in the world, especially Muslim’s issues.

Established in 1962 in Makkah, Muslim World League is a non-governmental organization and a member of UNESCO. It is also one of the observers of Organization of Islam Cooperation.




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