Jumat 26 Oct 2012 23:29 WIB

Mount Merapi survivors from 2010 perform prayers at disaster site

People perform Eid al Adha prayers in a location 4 kilometer from the peak of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Noveradika
People perform Eid al Adha prayers in a location 4 kilometer from the peak of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG - Hundreds of victims of lava floods resulting from the explosion of Mount Merapi in 2010 performed Eid al-Adha prayers at the former disaster site in Gempol hamlet, Jumoyo village, Salam subdistrict, Magelang district, on Friday.

The residents performed prayers at a field beside the ruins of the old settlement, with KH Mahyat Abror acting as the preacher and the priest. Gempol hamlet head Sudiyanto said the former residents who attended the Eid al-Adha prayers had left the area 1-3 months prior to the volcanic eruption in 2010.

"They are those belonging to the 106 families that had left the place before the disaster," he noted.

Even before the lava floods in 2010, many Gempol hamlet residents performed Eid al-Adha prayers at the same place as they are doing now, because the mosque could never accommodate all of them, Sudiyanto explained. He expressed hoped that the Gempol residents who were relocated would live without any problems in the upcoming rainy season.





sumber : Antara
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يَسْتَفْتُوْنَكَۗ قُلِ اللّٰهُ يُفْتِيْكُمْ فِى الْكَلٰلَةِ ۗاِنِ امْرُؤٌا هَلَكَ لَيْسَ لَهٗ وَلَدٌ وَّلَهٗٓ اُخْتٌ فَلَهَا نِصْفُ مَا تَرَكَۚ وَهُوَ يَرِثُهَآ اِنْ لَّمْ يَكُنْ لَّهَا وَلَدٌ ۚ فَاِنْ كَانَتَا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَلَهُمَا الثُّلُثٰنِ مِمَّا تَرَكَ ۗوَاِنْ كَانُوْٓا اِخْوَةً رِّجَالًا وَّنِسَاۤءً فَلِلذَّكَرِ مِثْلُ حَظِّ الْاُنْثَيَيْنِۗ يُبَيِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ اَنْ تَضِلُّوْا ۗ وَاللّٰهُ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيْمٌ ࣖ
Mereka meminta fatwa kepadamu (tentang kalalah). Katakanlah, “Allah memberi fatwa kepadamu tentang kalalah (yaitu), jika seseorang mati dan dia tidak mempunyai anak tetapi mempunyai saudara perempuan, maka bagiannya (saudara perempuannya itu) seperdua dari harta yang ditinggalkannya, dan saudaranya yang laki-laki mewarisi (seluruh harta saudara perempuan), jika dia tidak mempunyai anak. Tetapi jika saudara perempuan itu dua orang, maka bagi keduanya dua pertiga dari harta yang ditinggalkan. Dan jika mereka (ahli waris itu terdiri dari) saudara-saudara laki-laki dan perempuan, maka bagian seorang saudara laki-laki sama dengan bagian dua saudara perempuan. Allah menerangkan (hukum ini) kepadamu, agar kamu tidak sesat. Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu.”

(QS. An-Nisa' ayat 176)

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