Selasa 30 Oct 2012 19:59 WIB

An Islamic women organization to speak at ICA in Britain

Rep: Indah Wulandari/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
The head of Nahdlatul Ulama's women wing, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, departs for Manchester, UK, to attend International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono
The head of Nahdlatul Ulama's women wing, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, departs for Manchester, UK, to attend International Co-operative Alliance (ICA).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The head of Nahdlatul Ulama's women wing, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, departs for Manchester, UK, to attend International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Khofifah will deliver a speech on the development of cooperative in Indonesia. 

She is also expected to cooperate with other cooperatives from other countries. "We will talk on the concept and strategy of cooperative so that they can compete in global economy and enhance the prestige of Indonesian cooperative, which is currently still low," she said on Sunday night before departing to UK.

Khofifah, who is also the President of ASEAN Cooperative and Deputy of Indonesian Cooperative Board (Dekopin), hopes Indonesian cooperative can be as strong as cooperative in Netherlands, Germany, and Japan.

"Worker's cooperative in Netherlands can compete in world banking. Look at Rabo Bank. We can imitate their success," she said.



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