Sabtu 04 May 2013 22:48 WIB

Zakat institution to enhance the potential of charity in Islam

Rep: Ani Nursalikah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Mosque will become a center of zakat or charity socialization to the public. (illustration)
Foto: Most people distribute their zakat to mosques in their neighborh
Mosque will become a center of zakat or charity socialization to the public. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  As the most populous Muslim country, Indonesia has enormous potential of zakat or charity as one of the five pillars of Islam. 

National Zakat Agency (Baznas) was formed by Indonesian government to collect and distribute zakat. The socialization is  done through print media, electronic and online. "We tried to socialize in the most visited lace indlucing people exist,, "Managing Director of Baznas, Teten Kustiawan said on Saturday.

The socialization is usually taken after Zhuhur prayer by lecturing at the mosque office and kontemporary  studies. This measure is quite effective to encourage people to give charity. Baznas gets help worth 3 billion USD to increase public awareness on zakat through media. 

In last three years, the growt of zakat was stable. Baznas targetted to collect zakat worth 2.6 trillion IDR this year, higher than 2.3 trillion IDR in 2012 and 1.73 trillion IDR in 2011. 

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