Ahad 27 Oct 2013 09:36 WIB

3 reasons why the world should admire Indonesia's Islamic economics movement

Rep: Muhammad Iqbal/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Adiwarman Karim
Foto: republika
Adiwarman Karim

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATAM -- The international community believed to be fear of Islamic economic movement capacity that originated from Indonesia. On the contrary, the case was different to Middle East's.

Islamic economists Adiwarman Karim explained three reasons for it. First, Islamic finance in Indonesia is a common people movement. Not a movement which is driven by the government or high class community.

"Our sharia-compliant economy developed by common people. In contrast to Malaysia, which is assisted by the government," Adiwarman said.

He pointed out that Indonesia has a massive movement of about 500 Baitul Maal wat tamwil (BMT), which reached out around 30 million people.

The second reason, he said, the movement of Islamic finance in Indonesia aimed to provide benefits to others. The movement also highlighted on dealing  with the human rights.

"So, a lot of people feel the benefits of Islamic finance," said Vice Chairman of the National Islamic Council of Sharia-Indonesia's Council of Ulema (DSN-MUI).

He also mentioned, the greater the movement of BMT, the more people will be benefited, because, the ability of BMT to provide assistances will be larger.

The third reason, the movement of Islamic finance in Indonesia is applied seriously, sincerely and honestly. The movement in is not merely cosmetic. More than that, the movement aimed to uphold Islam, he said.

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