Sabtu 02 Nov 2013 10:29 WIB

The charisma of Guru Danau teaching

Rep: Rosita Budi Suryaningsih/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Masjid Tabalong dalam kompleks Islamic Center Tabalong
Foto: Antara
Masjid Tabalong dalam kompleks Islamic Center Tabalong

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TABALONG -- South Kalimantan is one of the provinces which are known to be strong Islamic culture. There are many great scholars from this mainland Borneo.

It was due to the efforts of a well-known scholar, Chalid Irham. His charisma still attached to the legacy of his well known boarding schools (pesantren) that are still standing and producing other young scholars as future clerics.

In Tabalong, a place turned to a developed city thanks to oil and coal mining business, now, the city is full of many capable scholars respected by society. And, they have a huge amount of follower. One of the scholars is Asmuni-or widely known by local people as Guru Danau.

That night, on Tuesday last week, the atmosphere in Tabalong was slightly different from usual nights. In the region of Tanjung Mabuun, close to the monument of Obor (torch, ed), which is a symbol of the district, there were rows of hundreds cars parked there. Even, there are also cars with license plates from outside the province of South Kalimantan.

Apparently, there was a majis taklim lecture followed by thousands of worshipers, led by Guru Danau directly. All followers wear a white dress with various forms of cap over their heads.

For women, there was a separate room which was separated from the congregation of men with a piece of cloth. Everyone is solemn, reading zikr and prayers, together with congregation leader with a full appreciation.

Kiai Asmuni was sitting in the main room of his house. Meanwhile, thousands of worshipers were about 4,000 people; present in front of him filled the entire terrace down to the alleys and side roads.

The lecture recitation begins with Maghrib prayers in congregation, reciting zikr together, followed evening prayer, shalawatan, lecture, and performing prayer. "I've been preaching for 35 years," said Asmuni.

Until now, he has had three boarding schools around Tabalong. His handsome and charismatic appearance is the first thing seen from himself when Guru Danau met me. His voice was quiet and comfortable to hear, it penetrate opponent heart.

Recognized by one of his follower, Alfiyah (45), it is his charisma that made him adored by followers.

"If you hear the preaching of Guru Danau, it seems the heart feel the light," he said.

In addition, he said, the scholar is able to foster the worshipper and the environment to be very religious.

"If we had a problem, he can always give us a smart solution. When he speaks a word, the cleric can calm our heart because his voice is soft but firm, and can be trusted."

That is why any lecture like this, which is held every two weeks, always flooded with people from all over Borneo. Chant of zikr and prayers were echoed meet the night in a small town.

One thing that is interesting about Asmuni, he had a lot to witness the syahadat of new converts. In the evening, there were three converts tough to read creed (syahadat).

It's Mawardi, Sugiyanto, and Wahyudi who been guided to Islam. "Until now, there are over 1,500 people who I have guided to read the creed," Asmuni said.

He did not stop there; he is always ready to guide and answer the curiosity of the new converts and other non-Muslim communities about the teaching of Islam.

His goal is to raise more worshippers, including those from outside Borneo. He also hopes the participation of communities in South Kalimantan will be more active in Islamic activities.

Ed: Damanhuri Zuhri

sumber : ROL/Khazanah/Gaya Sufi
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