Selasa 12 Nov 2013 13:52 WIB

Indonesia as a center of Islamic awakening in the world

Rep: Ani Nursalikah/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Adi Sasono
Foto: Republika/Fachrul Rozi
Adi Sasono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - As a Muslim majority country, Indonesia is considered to become a center of Islamic awakening in the world. Indonesia has a peace condition, no war and strong human resources.

"Indonesia has 50 percent productive population. In 2020, the figure will reach 70 percent. It will bring Indonesia as a great country," former Minister of Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises, Adi Sasono said recently.

At the time, Indonesia will have many leaders who can uphold justice. Muslims in Indonesia also need to pay attention to ASEAN Economic Community because there will be no boundary among ASEAN countries. Indonesian Muslims cover 35 percent of Southeast Asian population. It will not only have an impact on economy, but also a challenge for Muslims civilization.

Malaysian opposition leader, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim considered that Indonesia would have more role as it has good culture and environment. Indonesia requires a synergy among scholars and political minds to maintain its people.

"Indonesia is still able to carry out freedom of speak. The democratic system is still good," Ibrahim said.

In Islamophobia issue, Ibrahim saw that West media often attacked Islam. He hopes that Muslims in the world, especially in Indonesia, can deal with it. He believes Indonesia can face it as long as there are political actions and willingness of young group to make a better Islamic governance. 

BACA JUGA: Ikuti Serial Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam di Islam Digest , Klik di Sini

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