Selasa 12 Nov 2013 17:20 WIB

Longing for leader's honesty

Rep: Erdy Nasrul/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Honesty (ilustration)
Honesty (ilustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Power that run by honesty will produce civilization with quality.

When someone is honest, he/she will deliver message no matter how bitter it is.

Arabic proverb states, qulil haqqa walau kaana murran which means, say the truth even if it is bitter. 

"Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] is a role model in many ways, including on honesty," said a lecturer of Jakarta's al-Azhar Islamic University, Ustaz Ahmad Ahidin told Republika. 

The honesty, he argued, confirmed by Allah SWT in the figure of Prophet [PBUH] who cannot read and write. So, the people around him memorized what he said.

In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] educated his Companions to tell the truth, especially in conveying the messages of Allah SWT to his people.

Ahidin regretted the honesty of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] has not being applied by the holders and implementers of government affairs.

When a person wants to be representative of the people, they spit money. Finally, people elect them because of money, not because of the mandate, he said.

If people are not trustworthy, how can they will say a honest thing. Especially when dealing with a variety of procurement projects. Instead of behaving honesty for the sake of people, even they betrayed it by taking personal advantage.

What will be appeared are not dishonesty to achieve the mandate and featuring it on earning their livelihood.

Ahidin stated, those who have the power should be honest in all his behavior. The people, he said, must get whatever information so that not to misunderstand the situation.

Power that goes with honesty will produce a good civilization. Its advantage is huge, which is clearly, for the benefit of the people, he said.

Conversely, if it is built on a lie, the culture will be full of lie. Leaders will be traitors. What happens is that corruption and destruction will prevail.

That thing will perish, said Ahidin. He said Muslims should be away from the reprehensible traits such as tendencies lead to destruction.

A manager of Pondok Pesantren Assalam, Plered, Purwakarta, Ustaz Muhtar Sadili Syihabudin states, honesty is a barometer of whether a person is trustworthy or not.

When someone did not telling the truth then it is certain that such person is not worth to be given a mandate. Because, certainly he must be treasonous person, he said.

Dishonest people when trusted to be in charge of finance, financial circulation feared being dishonest and non-transparent.

A spending that should be Rp100 thousand they will say it Rp1 million, Muhtar said. The balance that should be Rp1 million, they will claim it Rp100 thousand. So, that is just a lie. It hurt and caused bankruptcy, he said.

He explained there are many people who still want to be honest though there are people who are happy to lie and betray.

However, if someone faced with the choice of whether to be a honest man but poor or to be rich but lied, they would be better to choose the first. Such people, he said, would be more trustworthy in carrying out their duties.

Ed: Damanhuri Zuhri

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